RFMW, Ltd. announces design and sales support for NXP’s MRFX1K80H transistor. The MRFX1K80H is capable of 1800 watts of CW output power in circuits operating in the 1.8 to 470MHz range. Utilizing a 65V supply, this transistor is designed for ease-of-use with unmatched RF input and output ports and can be used either single-ended or in a push-pull configuration. The higher voltage enables higher power density thereby reducing the number of transistors in high power applications such as plasma etching, RF ablation, industrial heating, FM/DAB radio broadcast and aerospace. Higher voltage also allows increased output power while retaining reasonable output impedance and a reduction of current loss in the system. Drain efficiency is >80% while gain is in the low to mid 20dB region depending on frequency and application. Capable of usage either CW or pulsed, this rugged LDMOS transistor can withstand VSWR >65:1 at all phase angles.