Alternate Solutions for Worldwide TCXO Shortages The October 2020 fire at the Asahi Kasei Microsystems (AKM) factory in Nobeoka City,…
Browsing: Rakon
RFMW announces design and sales support for the Rakon Neptune™ Ultra Stable TCXO (US-TCXO) product family. The RNT7050 series offers…
RFMW announces design and sales support for the Rakon Neptune Ultra Stable TCXO (US-TCXO) product family. The RNT7050 series offers…
RFMW announces design and sales support for the world’s smallest ASIC based Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO) from Rakon. The…
RFMW announces design and sales support for Rakon’s ASIC based oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) platform. Rakon’s Mercury/+™ OCXO platform…
RFMW Ltd. (‘RFMW’) announced a distribution agreement with Rakon Limited (‘Rakon’) effective November 6, 2018. Under the agreement, RFMW is…